Friday, February 7, 2014

Jordan's a trainer!

Me yanco pa's!!! (My best friends),
  So, it's really interesting how God works. This Wednesday I'll be receiving a bouncing baby missionary. I have no idea who it is, and won't know until Wednesday so, sorry about the lack of information. Also, I found out that I will be leaving beautiful Odoben and will be placed in the Assin Fosu 1st in other words, I'm going to be training my son in an area where we both know the exact same amount about it...nyeshway!(nothing). It'll be a challenge, but it's a challenge that the Lord feels I'm up for, so I'm not too worried. I was actually pretty excited because I found out that Elder Kiromira is there, the missionay that was in Odoben when I first got there, and also because they have a bamboo pull up bar in the apartment...bring on the gyming!
  It's a pretty good chance that I'll be training an African as well because only 2 of the 18 missionaries coming are American...and one of them is African American haha (Elder Loader said he calls dibs on him, because he also got called to train, but I'm the one that's half black(; ).
  So this last week was pretty busy because of the trainer's meeting we had at the Mission Home on Saturday, and other things associated with missionary work. It's crazy that I'm already at 4 1\2 months!!! Time just keeps flying by for me! Some of the other missionaries were talking about how they wish time would go a little faster, and I was sitting there wishing time would slow down a bit haha, which made me think I was probably being a little weird haha, but it's a weird I don't really care about.
  I am going to miss Odoben (sorry, this is really scattered) and I am a little upset that I won't be there when Elder Adair leaves. This is his last transfer, which means he'll be sent home after being in Odoben for ten and a half months....Craziness!!!! He has really taught me lot, and most of that by being such a good example. He has really developed Christ-like attributes out here, which shows in his character and the way he treats others...I am hoping I can emulate those, but I'm pretty stubborn haha.
  I am really sorry to hear about Taylor's back. I pray that it is nothing, but if not, then there is a lesson for Taylor to learn here. Just like there was a lesson for me to learn when I messed up my ankle, there is something that God wants Taylor to learn, and it's something He knows she can handle. Whatever happens though, whether or not it is serious or nothing, God loves Taylor and everything will be fine in the end. 
  K, I don't really have anything else to say, sorry. Most of the week was just filled with waiting to find out what was going to happen to Elder Loader and I.
  I love all y'all and can't wait to hear from you next week!
Elder Collins

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jordan! I just recently found out about your blog, lol, never got your email so I couldn't email you. You're so funny lol saying you're weird because you wish time would go slower, lol. When actually that is what makes you stand out the most, like usual. :) I heard you only have five more months left, I hope you make those five months the best! :) Hope to see you around when you come back, haha. Stay happy and motivated like you always are! :D -Chao Xiong
