Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Another week in Odoben

Odoben continues to get sweeter and sweeter the longer I'm here. Fante is coming slowly to me, but I'm still learning, and I'm at the point where I can have a small conversation with people, and bear my testimony cra cra cra cra (small small). Elder Lee and I are really starting to grow close as a companionship. The key has been communication. We've been really good about addressing our problems and talking to each other, and we always come out stronger than before after talking. Every day we go out and proselyte for 9 hours, and it amazes me that, everyday, I never get tired or run low on energy. I always manage to do everything we planned to do, get home, close and plan for the next day, and then almost immediately afterward, my eyelids get really heavy. This is just evidence to me that the Spirit is with us very strongly while we are out and in need of it and is constantly keeping us up and serving.
  Elder Lee and I had a funny experience this week that nearly had me crying. So, we had just gotten back from proselyting and walked into our room in our apartment, when Elder Lee finds this HUGE spider right behind our door. The pictures we took don't do it real justice. You could see it's eye from a few feet back, if that helps you understand the size of this thing. Anyways, after taking some pictures, Elder Lee (having a dislike of spiders) hands me a flip flop and tells me to "finish him". Well, let's just say the beast was faster than I gave him credit for, and escaped my swat. So we spent a few minutes trying to get it out from behind Elder Lee's bed, but to no avail. Finally, Elder Lee leaves, returns with a bottle of insect repellant, and exclaims, "Either you or I die this instant" then starts bombarding it with the spray. After 10 min. of this, and as it's life drew to a close, I played the song, God Be With You Till We Meet Again, while Elder Lee kept repeating the words "Die die die"....It was a memorable experience haha!!
  Before I close, I learned this week, that missionaries don't bcome good at teaching because they study a lot or have a good memory. It's because as they learn and teach, they become more and more sure for themselves that what they teach ios true, so they no longer teach just a "good message" but an eterrnal truth that brings not only enlightenment, but happiness as well. The future is bright, and there is work to be done, so let us all just keep on, keepinl on!
Elder Collins

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