Saturday, October 26, 2013

Obroni vs Obrofi vs Bebinni vs Ghanaian

  Akwaaba!! I hope everyone is well with in their lives! As for me, I'm doing great!! I can definitely say that this is one of the happiest times of my life! 

  Life in Odoben is pretty sweet. We walk, we ride a tro (which is simply a cargo van turned into a transport vehicle that is only supposed to hold 12 people tops and always gets 20 people stuffed in somehow), but most importantly, we talk to people. 
  All day my companion, Elder Lee, and I are followed by little Ghanaian children calling out "Obroni, Obroni" which means white person. Others, usually adults, sometimes call out Obrofi, which means "from abroad". We usually reply with the phrase "Meh Bebinni", which means I'm a black person, which always elicits a laugh out of whoever is present. But my goal is to pass through the Obroni stage, the Obrofi stage, and even the Bebinni stage, until I can call myself Ghanaian and people accept it. My skin color is a handicap, but I'm learning the language and hoping that I get good enough to persuade them of the truth(;
  If I could send pictures, they would consist of lush, green jungle, colorfully clad school kids, and the foods I've experienced (some good, others...not so good). I truly believe that anyone who wants to better themselves should move to Ghana (that is, if they don't want to try the gospel of Jesus Christ) because the people here teach more of perseverance and humility than any other. I love being here around them and am excited for the next 23 months!
  Anyways, I don't always know when I'll be able to post, so try and bear with me, and I'll do my best! Take care, and remember, Asari Nkwari (the church is true)!!

Elder Collins

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